Is Your MSP Right for Your Business?

Transforming Your Tech

If you’re reading this, you’re entertaining the idea of partnering with a managed service provider. Why? Perhaps your current IT isn’t quite everything you’d like it to be. Maybe you have business goals that require innovative technology or robust IT support. You might have experienced a data loss disaster that has you searching for backup.

Whatever your business IT needs are, choosing the right partner might seem complicated if you don’t know what you should look for. We’ll try to demystify the process with the questions you should be asking any MSP you consider partnering with.

5 Questions to Ask Your MSP


1.) Do you offer custom IT solutions based on my individual tech needs?

No two businesses are alike. You have unique employees, ideas, and needs. Before signing on the dotted line, make sure your managed services provider has the flexibility and expertise to accommodate your unique business needs with custom tech solutions.

2.) How do you protect my data?

You’d be surprised how many MSPs lack the redundancy needed to appropriately protect your business data. If your MSP loses a datacenter, is your information safely stored elsewhere? Ensuring your IT partner has a backup plan in place so your data is never at risk helps build confidence in your MSP.

3.) How does your tech support work?

Does your partner have a ticketing system? How are needs prioritized? What happens when you have an after-hours emergency? We all know tech can be temperamental, so make sure you’re covered if things go south.

4.) Do you have experience working in my industry with a client my size?

You don’t want to be the guinea pig for an MSP who hasn’t worked in your industry or with a client of your magnitude. If you’re a dental practice, for example, you have specific tech needs related to your industry. You want to work with an IT partner who knows your industry and can support your growth.

5.) What technology can you support?

Are you a Cisco customer? Mitel? Can your MSP support your vendor list? It’s important to know your IT partner has experience working with your specific technology.

Make IT Great Again

Don’t waste your time on inefficient technology. Partner with Affinity IT Group, who understands what great IT looks like. When your technology is working like it should, it streamlines business, enhancing production and enabling innovation. Choose the right IT partner to make your IT great again.